Babakanblog's Blog

December 31, 2010, 1:38 pm
Filed under: Personal-Life

Malam pasti datang menggantikan siang. Pelan tapi pasti gelap silih berganti dengan terang, demikian sebaliknya, tepat pada saatnya, Kerena mereka, hidup menjadi ‘full color’.


Saya terlambat datang
Dan kamu telah memilih untuk pergi.

Saya datang
Tapi terlambat.
Sementara kamu
Telah memilih
Kepada pergi.

Saya terlambat, Kamu pergi.
Kamu telah memilih, baru saya datang.

Sesal … Selamat jalan* ….

*2010 years of choice

Sinar Mas Di Sei Rungau
December 28, 2010, 1:05 pm
Filed under: Plantation


DUA PEJABAT tertinggi pemerintahan propinsi dan kabupaten telah menggoreskan tandatangannya di atas prasasti peresmian kantor ini, hampir lima tahun silam. Bentuk simbolik kemitraan pemerintah dan perusahaan perkebunan.


Azhari Sabirin duduk di kursi kerjanya siang itu. Ia menatap tajam ke arah komputer jinjingnya, sesekali memicingkan matanya. Sebuah flasdisk dan USB Modem untuk koneksi internet nampak menempel di sisi kanan badan laptop hitam produksi Hewlett Packard itu. Padahal, computer desktop juga menyala di sudut ruang kerjanya, tak jauh dari tempatnya duduk. Meja kerjanya penuh kertas, sebagian berserak dan yang lainnya tertata rapi di bawah kaca yang melapisi meja itu. Ia sibuk sekali.

Di meja kerjanya berserak beragam kertas. Siang itu, selepas sholat Jumat, ia menyediakan waktu untuk wawawancara selama sepuluh menit, selaku Head of Training Centre Sei Rungau di area perkebunan kelapa sawit, kebun Sei Rungau.

Training centre itu ada di dalam kebun Sei Rungau, salah satu area kebun milik PT. Binasawit Abadipratama, anak perusahaan PT Sinar Mas Agro Resources and Technology Tbk (PT SMART Tbk), cabang Sinar Mas Grup di bidang agrikultur dan makanan.

“Tiga belas tahun, itu usia tanaman kelapa sawit tertua di sini,” ujar Azhari.

Namun, perusahaan ini telah berdiri dua tahun sebelum pohon kelapa sawit yang pertama ditanam. Dalam kurun waktu itu mereka mempersiapkan dokumen, legalitas yang disyaratkan dalam pembangunan perusahaan perkebunan oleh pemerintah.

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The River Goes By
December 9, 2010, 10:19 pm
Filed under: National Minorities

KALAHIEN bridge has being built. This picture was taken in early June 2010. Infrastructure development has easier to accessibility for all parties. It developed the under-developed regions, isn’t it?


There is a motor boat, known as the ferry, used as a means of crossing over the River Barito. Besides carrying passengers, it also raised a few cars and motorcycles, with a tariff of 100 thousand for car and 25 thousand for motorcycle. It operates only two ferrys every day, each one with an opposite route.

As I had known, there are only three management group of this boat. They operate every ten days and the managers of income had reached 15 million per day. On average, each boat has workers between 5-7 people. Two men acted as helmsman and his assistant. The rest is a park interpreter with great responsibility. How could I not? They should be able to arrange car and motorcycle on the decks and keep them safe as the capacity of the boat. They also set the rise and fall of car or motorcycle through two wooden bars with a safe as possible. It’s very risky.

I was staring at the edge of a ferry crossing. However, it seemed to fly me to the memories of thousands of miles away, a memory of ferry that sailed a small river in the number of Gresik Regency industry.

The river was not how wide. It named as Kali Tengah, the branch of Brantas River, it which never recede in the dry season. This small river is one marker of nature, separates between south of Gresik and north of Sidoarjo. Both areas are crowded with hundreds of factories and thousands of villages surrounding them. It has packed, coincide-crush and so noisy-smoky. But the workers had no other choice. They must stay.

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