Babakanblog's Blog

July 29, 2011, 3:28 pm
Filed under: National Minorities

THIS IS MANDAU, one of the most popular blade among Dayak’s indigenous peoples. Let the mandau became a strong-marked as struggle to rights of these peoples for self-determination from decolonization.


The Dayaks, indigenous peoples of all Kalimantan’s island, have cultivated thousands of hectares of land for generations. Today, the landlords in collusion with the state of Malaysia and Indonesia threaten their very existence.

Many large oil palm plantation companies, large-scale mining, bio-ethanol projects, dams and other development aggression displace thousands of indigenous peoples in different parts of the country. In Central Kalimantan region alone, nearly million hectares of the land area is covered by licensed operations and pending applications of mining transnational corporations as Trans National Corporations. These operations encroach upon ancestral domain of indigenous peoples.

Elsewhere in the other island, indigenous peoples/national minorities suffer from denial of their rights to ancestral lands, territories, and resources. Often, states refuse to recognize their collective socio-cultural and political systems/customary laws.

As Wikipedia said, the vast regions of Asia contain the majority of the world’s present-day Indigenous populations, about 70% according to International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs figures. Discriminated, they have the lowest literacy level, lesser access to health and education services, lesser access to electricity, communication, water facilities, etc and have higher incidents of poverty based on national poverty line standards.

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July 18, 2011, 5:41 pm
Filed under: National Minorities

If there is no spoon, then there is no meal. It means no food, then no life


Let’s feel the rhythm with your hands, steal the rhythm all you can, speak the rhythm on your own and say it all alone.

All my friends are Dayaknese. All my friends are brown, red and white. All my friends are skeletons, and they beat the rhythm with their bones.

Hey, Spoonman! Let’s come together with your hands. Save me! I’m together with your plan

Thank you for beer me up, good night people.

*inspired by soundgarden*

July 7, 2011, 6:37 pm
Filed under: Personal-Life

Some drip dew in the morning when the cold air still ambush. Indeed, we’re facing a great difficulty. Be assured! We certainly will win this battle.


Hey, there is a quick bullet, a tough one to dodge and no one ever does. It cuts fast, deep and keeps us from sleep. We just have to let it bleed. We all know the pain, it’s all so familiar. If we could sing words to help, we know we would when the pain would be ended. But we will have to let this make us so much stronger. So, it’s so difficult to overcome.

We’ve got the name of a ghost still dancing on our tongues. It’s so bittersweet according to these memories. We wish they could have taken us, struggle through tough times and destroy all your fears.

Please, don’t let this win over us …

Hey, sooner or later we will end the pain, and we will say that it did make us stronger, so this is how we overcome. While these voices fade away as the memory did, we’ve all heard it sung, and we really don’t know what we got till it’s gone, then we want it back so much till’ nobody ever warned us.

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