Babakanblog's Blog

Keriaan BlackBerry
September 8, 2011, 3:49 pm
Filed under: Uno

SELAIN NGEBUT, YANG JUGA bikin benjut ketika mengendarai kendaraan bermotor adalah penggunaan telpon genggam. Dengan barang itu, siapapun bisa menjadi autis, lalu tak sadar bahwa ia sedang berada in the middle of nowhere.


Pada suatu ketika, sekonyong-konyong Pak Beruang punya hobi baru. Ia gemar menekan-nekan tuts seukuran jemarinya di papan ketik QWERTY, sambil senyum sendiri. Mungkin ia tengah geli, membaca yang lucu baginya di layar berdiagonal 2.4 inci dengan kedalaman 480 x 360 piksel.

“Mainan ginian biar ga stress lah …”

Buatnya  pesan-pesan itu sangat menghiburnya. Saking terhiburnya, dia rela membagi-bagi PIN kepada mereka yang dianggapnya teman, ataupun yang berpotensi menjadi teman. Tak jarang, satu-dua  diantaranya menjadi yang terakrab di antara lainnya.

Beruang ini puas dengan smartphone barunya, BlackBerry Javelin 8900 yang didapatnya secara cuma-cuma dari pemuja rahasianya. Konon karena Si Pemuja, yang pernah punya harta hingga tak berhingga, itu tak kunjung berhasil menangkap kupu-kupu pujaannya, maka beralihlah ia pada pesona tinggi-besar-bulu lebat yang dipunyai Si Beruang itu. Beruntunglah Beruang!

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August 17, 2011, 9:42 am
Filed under: Uno

A WORN FLAG OUT, merah putih, and an elderly woman who sat down at the corner. When her land was grabbed by large scale palm oil plantations, then her freedom was raped by a new type of landlords.


Indonesia, who has owned you? They said that you’re my homeland. Indonesia since 1945, they promised that all the people will be more prosperous. In fact, I asked myself why. All the peasantry’s land has been grabbed. All the worker’s wages has been put low. They’re all poor and be miserable, ’till death take them all.

Indonesia siapa yang punya? Katanya sih tanah airku. Indonesia sejak 1945, janjinya rakyat sejahtera. Nyatanya, kini aku bertanya. Kaum tani dirampas tanahnya. Buruh dibayar murah upahnya. Mereka miskin dan sengsara, sampai akhir menutup mata.

August 17, 2011. Indonesia celebrates the 66th years-old of proclamation of independence. 17 Agustus 2001, saat Indonesia merayakan ulang tahun proklamasi kemerdekaan ke-66.


Bathed in Broken Glasses
April 9, 2011, 9:56 pm
Filed under: Uno

HAVE YOU EVER been this low? Have you ever seen that death was so close to you? Well, just prepare our self if it came to us. It would be proceeded us to the final destination.


Traffic accidents happen to us on our way to Samarinda on Tuesday, April 5, 2011 from Sepinggan  airport, Balikpapan. After turned right at one junction in the town of Balikpapan the Toyota Avanza’s cab type in maroon was hit by a dump-truck from the right side at 10:57 am. Then, taxi slammed hard and bounced nudge to the side of the road. My friend who sat on the bench had the right time to duck as he threw his little body to the side of me that sat on the left.

There were no fatalities in the incident, although both of us were bathed in broken glass. Another passenger who was sitting in the front seat and the driver had survived, but not the cab. Part of its right hand got shattered glass, car body on that side were severely damaged and left rear wheels to be deflated.

Some eyewitnesses said that our cab were in the wrong position. It passed the rate of dump-truck. The truck had no time to dodge, and there was a collision.

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